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32 Healthy Foods Menu for a Healthy Diet that Are Still Delicious to Enjoy
Food for a healthy diet? Having an ideal body is certainly the dream of many people. One of them by maintaining a diet or diet. But many people feel tortured because they have to resist the urge to eat a food. Usually the foods that should be avoided when dieting are not eating heavy foods, such as rice and fatty foods. Dieters usually have a food schedule for dieting, for example not eating at night Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is certainly good, but if you push too hard, it might be wrong. The reason is that changing food portions for dieting quickly and suddenly will be at risk to your health. All the process must be done gradually and certainly not torturing yourself. If you are used to eating large portions, you can reduce your portions gradually. Eating healthy foods such as vegetables and fruit for thediet will certainly be safer. Here is a list of foods for a strict and healthy diet that we have compiled especially for you.
1. Papaya
This fruit, which is good for digestion, can be consumed if you are hungry in the middle of the night or if you are a snacker. The fiber content in papaya is not only good for digestion, but is also useful in reducing appetite. The price of snacks for this diet is also economical so it is worthy of being an option.
2. Apple
Food for a healthy diet, then there are apples that can reduce hunger quickly. That is, if you eat apples, you can reduce your food portions. Because the fruit for this diet contains vitamin C in large quantities so that it can help keep the stomach full for a long time. No wonder apples are classified as food for a fast diet. Apples also contain sodium, antioxidants, and polyphenols that can reduce fat. Therefore, apples are also useful for boosting the body's immune system and preventing cancer.
3. Red Beans Eating
red beans as much as anything will not make you fat. It's no wonder that many people include red beans in the diet for their diet. Red beans are also delicious to make soup. This rice substitute diet food is rich in fiber so it can keep the stomach full for a long time. Kidney beans contain a variety of nutrients that the body needs such as B vitamins, folate, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C, and minerals including potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. The benefits that you can get include improving digestion, maintaining blood sugar levels, cholesterol and heart health. Interested in trying foods for this strict diet?
4. Yogurt
The sugar content in yogurt is quite low and of course contains vitamins and fiber that the body needs. Although produced from milk, yogurt is very safe for consumption for those who are on a diet. Yogurt is safe to consume in large quantities and certainly will not make you fat.
5. Potato
Are you looking for a rice substitute diet food? You can consider potatoes that taste delicious and can make you full longer. Potatoes are certainly very safe and contain a variety of important nutrients such as carbohydrates, rich in vitamins and high in nutrients. You can process it in various variants ranging from fried, boiled, fried, and burned.
6. Vegetable
Salad Vegetable salad has long been known as a food menu for the diet. You can include salad in the 30-day healthy diet menu because it tastes good with the addition of mayonnaise and can help your body stay ideal. From a nutritional point of view, salad is certainly very good because it is rich in vitamins and fiber for health, and is classified as a low-calorie delicious food. Interested in trying foods for this strict and healthy diet?
7. Popcorn
Maybe you like to eat popcorn while watching a movie. Who would have thought that eating popcorn will not make you fat because it comes from low-calorie corn. It's just that popcorn is recommended without a mixture of sugar because it can make you fat. So it's better to eat the original popcorn to be safer. 8. Oatmeal Oatmeal is suitable as food for beginner diets. Although it contains carbohydrates, oatmeal is not high in sugar or sweeteners and is very low in calories. You can try the oatmeal diet for two weeks. Consume oatmeal three times a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the first 7 days. Balance your fruit and vegetable intake while eating oatmeal
9. Asparagus
Food for a healthy diet then there is asparagus which will be delicious if it can be processed. Besides being safe for health, asparagus certainly won't make you fat. This vegetable has a high fiber content so it can be good for digestive health by stimulating the growth of probiotics. The content of vitamin K in asparagus can also help get rid of toxins in the body and launch urine. In addition, a stick of asparagus contains only 4 calories so it can help you lose weight.
10. Avocado
Avocados are a fruit for the diet that should not be missed. In addition to delicious taste, food for this strict diet also contains lots of fiber and healthy fats, of course, it will not make you fat. Healthy fats will help the body control cholesterol levels and stay full so it can resist snacking. In addition, avocado contains high monounsaturated oleic acid so it can control excess insulin for weight loss diets
11. Tuna
Tuna is included in the category of healthy food because it does not contain much fat and is certainly rich in protein. The diet menu for this strict diet is very popular among bodybuilders and fitness models because it can be a protein intake while keeping total calories and fat low. So it is suitable for those of you who want to lose weight and form a more ideal body.
12. Eggs
Eggs are also safe for consumption because they are classified as foods that contain high protein, and contain healthy fats. The number of calories in eggs is also not much and can make you full quickly in a relatively long time. Although in some people eating eggs in large quantities can increase levels of bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), these foods can be processed foods for a healthy diet. There is also a lot of protein and fat so it is very filling.
13. Fruits
Fruits contain fiber that can prevent the release of sugar too quickly into the bloodstream and of course also contain lots of vitamins. You can consume various kinds of fruit during the diet process because it can make you more full. Of course, in addition to the fruits mentioned above, such as avocado, apple, papaya, and others.
14. Chicken
Breast Like to eat meat? You can enjoy chicken meat if you want to have a diet program that is reluctant to torture the body. It's just that not all parts of the chicken you can eat, but only the chicken breast. Half a chicken breast contains only 3 grams of fat, 142 calories. Although the taste is not as delicious as other parts such as wings and thighs, chicken breast is very good for health, especially those of you who are in the process of dieting. food for strict diet
15. Salmon
In addition to tuna, salmon can also be a healthy diet menu to lose weight. Because salmon can make consumers full for hours with relatively few calories, even though it is fatty. In addition, salmon is a great source of high-quality protein, healthy fats, and a variety of essential nutrients. Fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation. Interested in trying foods for this strict diet?
16. Broccoli
Broccoli is also one type of green vegetable that has many benefits for the health of the body, including food for health. Because these vegetables only contain about 34 calories in one cup of broccoli. How to cook it is also easy because you can mix it into warm soup or just boil it.
17. Nuts
Nuts contain high protein, fiber and healthy fats that are balanced so they are good for dieting. Although the number of calories is relatively high, you can consume them in reasonable amounts so that it is good for your health. According to research in the Journal of Nutrition, eating nuts can improve metabolic health and even promote weight loss. In addition, people who eat nuts tend to be healthier and leaner than those who don't.
18. Chili
Food for a healthy diet then there is chili which according to several studies can burn fat and can reduce hunger. So suitable for those who are on a diet. It's just a reasonable consumption of chili, which is enough just one gram per day. The goal is to avoid things that can cause stomach pain and so on.
19. Wheat Rich Products
Eating foods rich in wheat is highly recommended as long as you are still on a diet. You can eat whole grain processed foods for your diet such as oats, whole wheat bread and quinoa. Wheat-rich foods contain high fiber and protein. Of course it's good to support your diet program. 20. Grains Not only potatoes, you can also find diet foods that replace rice with grains such as quinoa, oats, and so on which are high in fiber and more nutritious. You can also mix white rice with other grains such as chia seeds to add nutrients to the dish or reduce calories from white rice consumed.
21. Shrimp
Still not satisfied with the food for the strict diet above? You can eat seafood, especially shrimp. Seafood contains 8 percent protein, lots of vitamins and low in calories. In addition, shrimp is also very quickly digested by the body, so it does not make weight gain fast.
22. Chicken
Broth Chicken broth is also worth considering because it makes you feel full and lasts for a fairly long time, even though it doesn't contain many calories. You can cook the broth yourself and can add some fresh vegetables. Make sure to make your own to make it healthier.
23. Steak
Tired of food for a healthy diet that is just the same and tends to be bland or tasteless? You can try dinner with steak. Because according to several studies, red meat can burn calories in the body. You should choose tenderloin or topside steak because both meats contain lower fat when compared to other meats.
24. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are one of the food menus for a diet that you can consider. Because this type of food not only serves as a source of fiber and calories, but also as a flavoring in food. You don't need to add MSG to the mushrooms because they will naturally bring out the broth.
25. Sweet Potato
Diet food substitute for rice other than potatoes and red beans is sweet potatoes. With simple processing, this food is delicious to eat. You can process it according to taste and if you want to make it as a substitute for rice, you can process it by boiling it. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals so they are rich in health benefits. The low calorie content makes sweet potatoes suitable for aiding weight loss. Not only that, the high water content in sweet potatoes can help suppress appetite. You can eat steamed or baked sweet potatoes as an afternoon snack accompanied by a cup of green tea which is also good for dieting.
26. Green Leafy Vegetables
Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, katuk, pakcoy and several other types are also classified as foods for a healthy diet. This type of food is also good for a diet after giving birth, for example, katuk leaves because it has been proven to be able to launch breast milk production. The benefits of green vegetables are for weight loss because they are low in calories and carbohydrates and contain lots of fiber. Those of you who are looking for food for a strict diet should also consider green leafy vegetables because they can increase the volume of food, without adding calories.
27. Cauliflower and Olive Oil
Are you looking for a food menu for a diet? You can consider cauliflower as it contains 27 calories per cup. Cauliflower also has a low glycemic index (GI), which is a measure of how much a food raises blood sugar. Vegetables with low GI levels lead to weight loss. To bring out the taste, you can roast cauliflower with olive oil which contains fat so that it makes you feel full. 28. Dark Chocolate and Almond Usually a good way to lose weight is to cut out sugary foods. But who would have thought that eating sweet foods can also lose weight? You can eat dark chocolate. Combining dark chocolate with high protein almonds keeps blood sugar levels stable and keeps you full longer.
29. Strawberries
Strawberries are also classified as a fruit for the diet because it has a fairly low calorie content. Every 100 grams of strawberries only contains about 33 calories. So this fruit is suitable for weight loss programs. This fruit is also rich in fiber so it can facilitate digestion and bowel movements. Eating a bowl of strawberries every day can help reduce belly fat. The fiber content in this fruit can also make you feel full longer and prevent snacking on unhealthy or fattening foods.
30. Grapefruit Food
for a healthy diet last, there is grapefruit which has a weight loss effect. Eating half a grapefruit about half an hour before a meal can help you feel fuller and is a low-calorie fruit. This fruit also contains a good amount of fiber for the body, besides of course more than 15 beneficial vitamins and minerals. This will help you to follow a diet program.
31. Tofu
The food schedule for the diet is usually abstinence at night. So what if you are hungry at night? You can eat tofu which is low in calories, but still high in fiber. Of course it's safe for those of you who are maintaining a diet because your weight doesn't go up easily. 32. Tempe Besides tofu, tempeh is also the prima donna of delicious plant-based healthy food for you to consume while dieting. In fact, you can find a variety of salad menus at well-known restaurants with the use of tempeh as a source of animal protein in it. Consumption of tempeh in the right portion, and try to choose baked goods to avoid excess oil due to the frying process. Those are 32 foods for a strict diet that you can consider to get an ideal body and support health.
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